Thursday, August 25, 2011

Real estate agent gives shout out to CReATE

Larry O'Sullivan, a real estate agent in Sandy, Utah, recently got a power chair from CReATE (Citizens Reutiliting Assistive Technology Equipment). CReATE is a program of UATP, and is located in Salt Lake City. O'Sullivan was so pleased about his experience, he wrote about it on his blog, which can be read here. 

He wrote about CReATE, "My personal feeling is that it is a quiet oasis of hope for many who as yet may know little of its existence."

To learn more about CReATE, visit

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

UATP's Sachin Pavithran wins ATAP election

Congratulations to Sachin Pavithran, UATP program coordinator, for winning a seat on the Association of Assistive Technology Act Program's (ATAP) board of directors in the last election. Sachin will serve this coming year, 2011-2012. Learn more about ATAP here. ATAP is a membership organization for Technology Act Programs that are funded by the U.S. Department of Education. 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

iPad Fix for AT users with sticky fingers

Having trouble using your iPad because your fingers do not slide easily over the screen? This can make screen readers difficult to use, but one of the Center for Persons with Disabilities own discovered a useful trick to get past sticky fingers! Read the story here!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The CPD History Channel

The Center for Persons with Disabilities, located at Utah State University, houses the UATP. The CPD is celebrating its 40th Anniversary this coming year, and has created a project to archive its history of the creation and progression. To see the project, visit this blog: The CPD History Channel.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Women and Girls with Disabilities

In 2011, the Center for Women Policy Studies launched an online series of new Barbara Faye Waxman Fiduccia Papers On Women and Girls with Disabilities. The 2011 Barbara Faye Waxman Fiduccia Papers will present the self-defined perspectives of women with disabilities – both in the USA and globally – on such topics as: access to health care, reproductive rights and health, violence against women and girls, women and AIDS, educational equity, family life and parenting, employment and economic development, balancing work and family, participation in Government at every level – from local to national to international. To learn more and read the papers, click here.